Network 81 can run a tailored service from: -
- individual modules as single sessions for inset training or for parent groups
- Or you can choose a set of your own for a one or two day course
Have a look through the available modules and when you have decided on your shortlist and your suggested dates
contact us.
Suggested Session Length
1-Day course approx 5 hours teaching time.
2-Day course approx 10 hours teaching time.
Evening/Twilight session approx 2 hours teaching time.
Module Overview
Download the Word document of
available modules 161KB.
Can't find the module you require? - Network 81 will endeavour to create a new module.
Please use the
booking form to detail your individual needs.
Module List
This list gives the titles only. For detailed information on the content of each module
please download the Word document of
available modules 161KB.
The Law
including brief overview of DDA and Equality Act
- The Twelve Commandments for Parents of Children with Disabilities
- An Introduction to 1996 Education Act and the Code of Practice
- The Education Act 1996 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 - Amendments to the law
- Overview of the Equality Act 2010 and Disability Discimination in Schools
Roles and Responsibilities
- The Roles of the:
- Governing Body
- Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
- Parents
- Parent Partnership Service
- Mediation Service
- Choosing a School
- School Profile
- The Special Needs Policy
- The Graduated Response - Early Years Action/Action Plus
- Individual Education Plan and Review (Early Years)
- The Graduated Response - Primary School Action/Action Plus
- A Summary of School Action and School Action Plus
- What is an I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan)
- Involvement of Parents in the Graduated Response
- P scales/National Curriculum information
- What is Statutory Assessment?
- Timetable from proposing an assessment to making a statement
- Dates of stages in my child's assessment
- Guidelines for writing parental advice
- Guide to 'Ed Speak'
- Statements of Special Educational Needs - The Process
- Statements of Special Educational Needs - The Layout
- Statements - what does the Code of Practice say?
- Therapies
- Note in Lieu
- How to analyse and extract information from the appendices (practical session)
- Specific examples of rewritten statements to SEND standards including new DCSF guidelines
- The Annual Review Process
- How to write a parental response
- Transfer to next school
- The Annual Review in Year 9
- Annual Reviews Q & A
- The Connexions Service
- Funding for students with disabilities in Further Education
- The Disability Rights Commission Code of Practice (post 16)
- The Definition of Disability from the Equality Act 2010
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Discrimination in Schools
- Implementing the Equality Act 2010
- COP from the Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Definitions of Disability from Teachernet
- Is Tom disabled?
- Schools and the Disability Equality Duty in England and Wales
- SEN Toolkit Sections 1-12
- How this compliments the SEN COP
- Detailed look at appendices and how to extract information
- Specific examples of rewritten statements to SENDIST standards including new DCSF guidelines
- Worked examples of how to word for various common conditions
First Tier and Upper Tier tribunals - SEND
- The Overriding Objective
- Introduction and general overview of First Tier and Upper Tier tribunals
- Structure and rules of First Tier tribunals
- Working through the Regulations
- New General Directions
SEN Appeals
- Information on timeline for Appeals
- How to appeal to First Tier tribunals
- How to appeal to Upper Tier tribunals
DDiS Appeals
- Information on timeline for Appeals
- How to appeal to First Tier tribunals
- Remedies
- How to appeal to Upper Tier tribunals
- Categories of case for Tribunal
- Preparing a personal case statement
- Categories of need
- Part 2 of statement
- Part 3 of statement, including considering support
- Producing a working document
- Part 4 of statement
- Looking at schools/categories
- Costings of school fees, transport etc.
- Witnesses
- Accessing records
- Relevant and irrelevant information
- Producing a contents list
- DCSF Exclusion Guidance
- The law on exclusions
- 6 day Rule new information from 2007
- Independent appeal panels (IAP)
- What is available for SATs!
- What is available for General Examinations!
- Scribe, Reader, Transcript, Use of ICT
- Extra Time, Rest Breaks,
- Personal Supporter
- Rule 2
- General criteria - Religion, siblings etc.
- Timeline for appeals
- Basic overview of how the brain functions in relation to the syndromes: -
ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia
- General syndrome overview
- Homunculus
- Neuro-Diversity
- Information ICD-10 and DSM-IV for ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia
Miscellaneous Syndromes - more detailed training about why and how to meet needs
- Overview
- Bird's Eye view
- ADHD Iceberg
- ADHD Ebook including behavioural checklist
- ICD-10 Behavioural and Emotional Disorders in childhood and adolescence
- Practical classroom strategies
- Overview
- Asperger's syndrome
- Sarah Devine's checklist
- ICD-10 Disorders of Psychological Development
- DSM-IV Asperger's Disorder
- Department of Health ASD Good Practice Guide
- Autism and Education Law - Eleanor Wright
- Transition pack
- Various assessment materials
- The National Numeracy Strategy - Guidance for pupils with ASD, Speech and Language Difficulties
- The National Numeracy Strategy - Books and Resources for children with Speech, Language and Communication needs
- Practical classroom strategies
- Overview
- Learning and teaching for dyslexic children in the primary years: Further information
- Dyslexia - The Building Blocks of Learning
- BDA - Dyslexia Friendly School
- Articles on Dyslexia
- National Literacy strategies- Literacy Lists
- Dyslexia and Occupational Testing
- Practical classroom strategies
- Overview
- Dyscalculia, Dyslexia and Maths
- Specific Disorder Arithmetic Skills
- The National Numeracy Strategy - Guidance for pupils with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
- Mix and Maths
- Practical classroom strategies
- Overview
- Developmental Dyspraxia
- How to recognise a child with Dyspraxia
- Handwriting Speed Assessment
- Practical classroom strategies
- Planning programmes for individuals
- Setting up a points/token programme
- Possible Learning objectives
- My personal plan
- Giving instructions
- Management strategies
- Skills for Classroom Assistants
- Organising Tasks
- Task Management Boards